With so many herb bundles to choose from, picking one that feels right for you can be overwhelming. While we often have those that stop in the shop, touch, smell, and interact with the herb so that get a read on their personal connection - this isn't possible when you need to grab your supplies online.
You will find that this list is updated to reflect current levels of stock, and new arrivals.
Here's our handy reference for herb bundles, we offer in-store and online to help you choose what fits.
Click any of the bundle names below to view it or shop!
Important to note before we jump in:
The items mentioned are listed as a curio only, as such the details and results are considered alleged, or for personal entertainment. No claims or guarantees are made to provide any specific results or abilities to the user. The description and properties of the items described are based on personal/spiritual beliefs, and folklore. All items offered are meant to align with the intentions and energies of the user, with this in mind work with it at your own risk and be mindful. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not leave herbs burning unattended. Always work with heat safe containers.
Not for human consumption. DO NOT INGEST. Not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Not intended or recommended for use around children or pets.
Be mindful of allergies and sensitivities before coming into contact. Made with herbs, and flowers, allergies and sensitivities should always be considered. This product may cause irritation.
“Powerful manifestation. Strong energetic protection. Breaking energetic bonds, cutting energetic cords, and releasing attachment to outcome.”
Bay Leaf Keywords:
Energetic Protection
Energetic/Spiritual Healing
Spiritual/Magical Clearing
Many often associated Bay Leaf with manifestation or sending up a wish. The act of writing what is desired on a Bay Leaf and burning it is said by some to make the wish come true. It may assist one with releasing attachment to desired outcome as the burning of a bay leaf with the desire written on it is symbolic of the release and sending up to guides or higher self, or as an offering to the energies that are being worked with.
A bundle in particular can be burned with the intention of energetically cleansing and clearing a space, or object.
The act of burning Bay leaves or working with them on a dressed candle may encourage divination, dreams, and intuition. Some may sleep with Bay leaves to help encourage insight within the dream realm.
Some may even sprinkle or hang Bay leaves to help encourage energetic protection.
Another aspect of working with Bay is clearing energetic cords or connections, some will work with the energy of Bay to clear these connections. Writing the name, intention, focus, or energy on a leaf, or focusing on the leaf (or bundle) while thinking of the connection may charge it with this energy - following this focused time some may choose to break up the Bay, or burn it, or both.
“Cleanse and create an energy of grounding and stability.”
Cedar Keywords:
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Cedar has been said to be associated with energetic cleansing and clearing of a space, many will burn Cedar to help clear unwanted energies and call the energy of spiritual protection. Some may look to Cedar to encourage and connect with the energy of prosperity and abundance, try a bit in the wallet. The scent of Cedar is one that may encourage grounding and peace in some, as a strong connection is made.
“Balance is encouraged beautifully when working with these two different, yet complimentary herbs. Clearing and clarifying, while calling in grounding protection, and abundance.”
Cedar Keywords:
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Cedar has been said to be associated with energetic cleansing and clearing of a space, many will burn Cedar to help clear unwanted energies and call the energy of spiritual protection. Some may look to Cedar to encourage and connect with the energy of prosperity and abundance, try a bit in the wallet. The scent of Cedar is one that may encourage grounding and peace in some, as a strong connection is made.
Eucalyptus Keywords:
Spirit Connection
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Eucalyptus often carries with it a potent scent that may stir the energy of clarity, release, and focus. Working with such clarifying energies may encourage a strong connection to spiritual guides. Some may carry Eucalyptus leaves to encourage spiritual protection and assist in keeping energy clear.
Combining Cedar and Eucalyptus:
Considering the experience of both Cedar and Eucalyptus one will consider all potential ways to work with the herbs combined. Some may look to Eucalyptus as the herb that is assisting in creating clear space, or clarity before calling on the spiritual protection, abundance, and grounding of Cedar. Balance is encouraged beautifully when working with these two very different, yet complimentary herbs.
“Cleanse with the energy of Cedar. Lavender and Cedar combined create a powerful calming and grounding pair.”
Cedar Keywords:
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
As previously discussed - Cedar has been said to be associated with energetic cleansing and clearing of a space, many will burn Cedar to help clear unwanted energies and call the energy of spiritual protection. Some may look to Cedar to encourage and connect with the energy of prosperity and abundance, try a bit in the wallet. The scent of Cedar is one that may encourage grounding and peace in some, as a strong connection is made, this is especially interesting to note when thinking about the energy associated with Lavender.
Lavender Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Lavender is such a lovely herb, quite literally in the minds of many as it will often be looked to in a magical sense to encourage loving and/or romantic energies. Lavender is popular and worked with by many due to the association with the calming scent and energy it exudes. The clarifying and clearing energy of Lavender may assist in keeping unwanted energies from a space, while assisting in connection with the spirit realm and insight. Naturally Lavender has been associated with sleep and dreams, being mentioned as an herb that could be looked to for peaceful rest.
Cedar and Lavender Combined:
While meditating on the energy of both Cedar and Lavender one may be inspired to combine and work with them to encourage clearing of unwanted spiritual build-up while calling in a sense of calm, grounding, and even peace.
“Deep spiritual cleansing, warding, protection, and reset of a space's energetic 'stability' or grounding may come with Cedar and Rosemary.”
Cedar Keywords:
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Cedar has been said to be associated with energetic cleansing and clearing of a space, many will burn Cedar to help clear unwanted energies and call the energy of spiritual protection. Some may look to Cedar to encourage and connect with the energy of prosperity and abundance, try a bit in the wallet. The scent of Cedar is one that may encourage grounding and peace in some, as a strong connection is made.
Rosemary Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Intuitive Awareness/Clarity
Spiritual/Magical Ease
Rosemary has been said to be associated with clearing, protection, clarity, and ease. When speaking to ease as it is associated with Rosemary, consider what happens when the mind and being are stimulated by the scent of, and connection with this helpful plant - one may find that clarity is called forth and the once vague magical ideas and energies are easier to recall and experience. With the energy of Rosemary in mind, a pouch made of the leaf placed under one's pillow may encourage the clarity of the insights explored during sleep. Of course some associate the energy of Rosemary with love and keeping a connection.
Combining Cedar and Rosemary:
Considering the details of both Cedar and Rosemary may support a multitude of work when combining. Clarity on desires for both of these herbs before burning, followed by communicating may help clear what is unwanted and keep or call what is desired, magically speaking.
“An uplifting pair with a powerful scent. Eucalyptus may energetic clear, while bringing clarity as Lavender may welcome in peace, love, and connection with guides and those we love.”
Eucalyptus Keywords:
Spirit Connection
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Eucalyptus often carries with it a potent scent that may stir the energy of clarity, release, and focus. Working with such clarifying energies may encourage a strong connection to spiritual guides. Some may carry Eucalyptus leaves to encourage spiritual protection and assist in keeping energy clear.
Lavender Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Lavender is such a lovely herb, quite literally in the minds of many as it will often be looked to in a magical sense to encourage loving and/or romantic energies. Lavender is popular and worked with by many due to the association with the calming scent and energy it exudes. The clarifying and clearing energy of Lavender may assist in keeping unwanted energies from a space, while assisting in connection with the spirit realm and insight. Naturally Lavender has been associated with sleep and dreams, being mentioned as an herb that could be looked to for peaceful rest.
Combining Eucalyptus and Lavender:
Eucalyptus and Lavender may make quite the uplifting pair for some as the scents are powerful, and the experience deeply clearing and clarifying. A clear path being swept with the strong scent and energy of Eucalyptus, while Lavender gently calls in peace and connection.
“Enhance clarity for the mind. Eucalyptus facilitates and clean energetic experience and allows for ease of divination.”
Eucalyptus Keywords:
Spirit Connection
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Eucalyptus often carries with it a potent scent that may stir the energy of clarity, release, and focus. Working with such clarifying energies may encourage a strong connection to spiritual guides. Some may carry Eucalyptus leaves to encourage spiritual protection and assist in keeping energy clear.
"This pair may work well for deep energy work, especially when multiple parties are involved. May encourage clarity, and warding of negative energy exchanges."
“Call in the energy of love, protection, and good luck. Natural 'clearing' of blockages.”
Juniper Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Hex Clear
Some may look to Juniper to cleanse their space of unwanted energies, and to call in spiritual protection. Juniper is said by some to help encourage positive energies, including that of attraction/love. Working with Juniper may assist in connection and intuition. Some feel that Juniper carries with it “good luck.”
“Such a well-known herb for peace and tranquility. Lavender assists one in many things in a gentle, yet powerful way.”
Lavender Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Lavender is such a lovely herb, quite literally in the minds of many as it will often be looked to in a magical sense to encourage loving and/or romantic energies. Lavender is popular and worked with by many due to the association with the calming scent and energy it exudes. The clarifying and clearing energy of Lavender may assist in keeping unwanted energies from a space, while assisting in connection with the spirit realm and insight. Naturally Lavender has been associated with sleep and dreams, being mentioned as an herb that could be looked to for peaceful rest.
“Ideal for deep divination and spiritual work. Spirit contact and moon cycle work is amplified with this herb.”
Mugwort Keywords:
Psychic Powers
Astral Projection
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Many references are made to Mugwort being a powerful herb to work with when interested in expansion of divination practices, intuition, dreams, and astral realm experiences - some may place it by the bed for these reasons, or work with the smoke/herb to infuse tools worked with for divination and intuition. Helpful indeed that many also consider Mugwort to be an herb that encourages spiritual/magical protection, this is something to consider when exploring the spiritual world and dream realm.
“An herb that helps strengthen bonds, enhance protection, and increase stability of energy.”
Pine Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Return to Sender
Spirit/Negative Energy Removal
Spiritual Support
Some may look to Pine for the healing and supportive energy that it carries. The beauty of Pine is that it not only is said by some to assist in magical cleansing and protection, but “pine needles are burned to reverse and send back spells.” Being reminded of the adaptability of Pine reminds one of their own internal strength, and may deepen energetic bonds as new experiences, and spiritual growth is worked through.
"Spiritually/magically ward and protect your space. May call in the energy of prosperity through ideal channels, as it brings clarity."
Rosemary and Lavender
“May call in the energy abundance, clarity, and calm. May work well for high-stress and 'negative' environments.”
Rosemary Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Intuitive Awareness/Clarity
Spiritual/Magical Ease
Rosemary has been said to be associated with clearing, protection, clarity, and ease. When speaking to ease as it is associated with Rosemary, consider what happens when the mind and being are stimulated by the scent of, and connection with this helpful plant - one may find that clarity is called forth and the once vague magical ideas and energies are easier to recall and experience. With the energy of Rosemary in mind, a pouch made of the leaf placed under one's pillow may encourage the clarity of the insights explored during sleep. Some associate the energy of Rosemary with love and keeping a connection.
Lavender Keywords:
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Lavender is such a lovely herb, quite literally in the minds of many as it will often be looked to in a magical sense to encourage loving and/or romantic energies. Lavender is popular and worked with by many due to the association with the calming scent and energy it exudes. The clarifying and clearing energy of Lavender may assist in keeping unwanted energies from a space, while assisting in connection with the spirit realm and insight. Naturally Lavender has been associated with sleep and dreams, being mentioned as an herb that could be looked to for peaceful rest
“Some may work with Rue to help energetically protect from the Evil Eye. Often said to clear up miscommunication and misfortune brought about by others.”
Rue Keywords:
Evil Eye
Spiritual/Magical Cleansing
Spiritual/Magical Protection
Positive Energy
Astral Realm Protection
Clearing Objects
Some may look to Rue not only to connect with the energy of clearing, and protection, but for that of “good fortune” and/or blessings. For those that feel deeply connected to the spiritual world or dream realm, Rue may be a helpful herb for energetic protection during travels.