Rosemary and Lavender Bundle
"Magickal Ritual/Lore": “Calls in the energy abundance, clarity, and calm. May work well for high-stress and 'negative' environments.”
Dimensions: 4.25x1.25"
Please be advised that this item is listed as a curio only, as such the details and results are considered alleged, or for personal entertainment. No claims or guarantees are made to provide any specific results or abilities to the user. The description and properties of the items described are based on personal/spiritual beliefs, and folklore. All items offered are meant to align with the intentions and energies of the user, with this in mind work with it at your own risk and be mindful. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not leave herbs burning unattended. Always work with heat safe containers.
Not for human consumption. DO NOT INGEST. Not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Not intended or recommended for use around children or pets.
Be mindful of allergies and sensitivities before coming into contact. Made with herbs, and flowers, allergies and sensitivities should always be considered. This product may cause irritation.